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Brent, The 8th Most Deprived Borough in the Country.


Fifty years ago Brent (North West London) was a hive of industry. The engineering trades, vehicle building and aircraft were especially important.

In the depressed 30's workers came from all over Britain to find work in the prosperous South East. In the 50's and 60's employers searched the world for labour for their Brent factories.

The result was a large influx of a black and Asian workforce without which the economic prosperity of that time could not have been sustained.

Today Brent has the highest black and Asian population of any borough and a proud multiracial tradition, but the industry and the jobs have gone.

This exhibition, commissioned by Brent Trades' Council, used the technique of photomontage to tell this story and became a campaign tool in the fight for the rights of the unemployed and disenfranchised people of Brent in 1984, the year of the Miner's Strike.


Brent, Home Brent, Stonebridge Estate Brent, Waste Brent, Miners Strike
Brent, Smiths Demolition Brent Skinhead Brent Travellers' Kids Brent, Stonebridge Mother
Brent Boys Brent Dole Office Brent Halal Butcher Brent Single Parent Family
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